Hot Peppers for Good Health
Hot peppers have been known for their feisty flavors for approximately 7,000 years! That’s a lot of loving, and thanks to their health benefits, hot peppers will and should continue to be put on menus. What gives hot peppers their health benefits are 1) antioxidant carotenes and flavonoids, 2) compounds known as capsaicinoids, and 3) Read More »
A+ for Antioxidants!
Most of us have heard how some foods are high in antioxidants, like blueberries, cherries and other produce. But do you know the role that antioxidants play in helping to maintain a healthy body? Our bodies naturally produce some antioxidants, like copper, manganese and zinc. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals—toxic byproducts of natural cell metabolism. Read More »